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Call Reporting

Posted on July 19th, 2017 at 1:18 PM
by Jeff Lytle

Call Reporting

All businesses can reap the benefits of call reporting! Whether you are a large business with a large call center or a small business with ten employees, call reporting can help improve customer service, boost productivity, and increase efficiency.

Call reporting isn’t just for big call centers!
Call reporting is no longer a tool that is only used for businesses with a large call center with multiple agents and hunt groups. With Mitel’s MiContact Center solutions, you can build your call reporting application to fit your size and needs. From basic historical reporting to more advanced real-time reporting, our Call Reporting is very customizable.

Improve Customer Service!
With Mitel’s MiContact Center solutions, you can improve your company’s customer service. The historical reporting will show you your peak call times in order to better schedule your employees and the real-time reporting will allow supervisors to silent monitor live calls, join live calls if needed, redirect a call to the right location, and track answer times to make sure calls are getting answered in a timely manner.

Mitel’s MiContact Center Solution can Grow with You!
If you are just looking for historical reporting today but decide you need more in-depth and real-time reporting tomorrow, you can simply add on to your existing application. This gives you the ability to expand in the future without having to completely replace your reporting application.

To learn more about our Call Reporting please click here or contact us to set up a demo.