Try Before You Buy Program

Try Before You Buy Program

How would you like to try out a new Phone System with Unified Communication Applications before you actually have to make a decision on what to buy?

ECS wants you to take advantage of our “Try Before You Buy” program!

We provide an IP phone with a direct telephone number for people to call you and for you to call out. With that, you can try the telephone, the cordless accessories, the Bluetooth Module, etc…

We also provide you with Unified Communication Applications, so you can experience voicemail to email, video chats, audio/web conferencing, etc…

If you want to try out the Bring Your Own Device “SIP Softphone”, just provide us with your smartphone or tablet and we will download an app so you can see firsthand how a SIP phone can take the place of a desk phone.

Give us a call, or drop us an email, if you would like to take advantage of this program.*

Note: A high-speed internet connection is required. There is absolutely no obligation to buy. We do not touch your existing Telephone Equipment or Telephone Lines.

Products Available to Try:




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